Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hey there!

Man. I have to get up at like 8 tomorrow! Nooooo! Have to go to the bank pretty early, they're charging me £60 for something or other, so Dad is taking me and he's going to shout at them. He's very good at shouting at people....not as good as Nanny but she takes it too far! Paul knows. When he got fired Nanny wanted to go shout at them!

Anyhow, probably play some poker when I get back from the town. I don't think Leonnie is coming over tomorrow, think she's got to go buy presents.

Saturday! BPT! I think I have to get at least in the top 10 of this event to go onto the Grand 20. I've already asked Paul to try and get me some Lucozade tablets to keep my energy up. All that glucose makes me hyper and I think a lot funnier so that should be nice for Paul, he'll get entertained while watching me play.


Bud said...

The GRAND 20 sounds like fun, how many will get in to that?

Laura D said...


imjusthere4thebeer said...

Best of luck today, Laura... Play your game, keep your eye on the prize and do whatever it takes to make it to the grand final!

I'm still laughing at Bud's question.

Thanks for filling all of my requests...
