I'm going to watch Derek Acorah's Quest for Guy Fawkes at 9pm but it lasts until 11pm so I'll have to tape the last hour of it because I'll be watching Law and Order SVU on five at 10pm.
Wow look at that. five That's the right font for it. Hey look at it. five Oh and I have something to say on the subject of five, which used to be channel five but now the more cool five. Anyway people used to mock channel five because there was never anything good on it but look at it now! It's got all the best programmes, which reminds me, Law and Order Criminal Intent is on at 12.55am on five which means I wont be going to bed until 1.45am at least. Hold on I'm getting off topic. My point is five is cool now. I would go as far as saying it is the best terrestrial channel infact the only one worth watching, nothing good comes on the other terrestrial channels. So there we have it, five gets two thumbs up. I forgot what I was going to say now. Oh well. Here's a picture.

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