Today I was wanting to write stuff to film but it just wasn't happening. So I decided getting out of the house and sitting outside somewhere would help me, less distractions and the such. I took my notebook, pen and Hello Kitty bag. You gots to take the Hello Kitty bag.
I sat there for I dunno how long, I write maybe one sentence. And my nose is acting up, way too hayfever-y with all these trees around me! WAY too hayfever-y! AND too hot, I'm boiling. It occurs to me that I use the same words chefs use for cooking but in a "I'm too hot" complaining way. "Boiling" "Roasting" "Sweating".
I also get distracted with taking photos of random things...
That would be a cigarette. Unsmoked, if you're interested.
That would be me. Yes, I'm a random thing.
Thought of adding a Vote Chino sticker to this guys car.
If you zoom in you'll see on this particular car that the license plate says OHHH YEA. I assume this is the license plate talking to me, letting me know it's enjoying the heat and hayfeveriness of the day. Actually are you allowed to post pictures of people's license plates online? I dunno.'s done now.
I then headed home, but not before stealing some lovely flowers! I would say picked some lovely flowers but technically they were in someones garden, behind a fence, so I think that's called stealing. YES, I overcame my hayfever and went for flowers!
The much talked about "stolen flowers"