Saturday, July 26, 2014

LD's Mini Review of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"

First things first, from here on we will call the movie "Monkey Island". Much less scary that way!

Okay, onto the review!

I learned a lesson from "Monkey Island" and it was the following...(listen up kids! It's school time!)...

The Lesson I Learned: Humans are idiots. Also "Ape. Not. Kill. Ape".

It's a similar lesson I learned from Animal Farm...

"4 Legs Good, 2 Legs Bad"

Also, I'm not communist. Although I do enjoy the occasional Chinese TV show.

 Oh yeah, please ignore this Chinese movie I starred in...


That roughly translates (in monkey terms) to: "More fun than a barrel of monkeys going over Niagara Falls! And twice as scary!"

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Fishy Fish

I've heard tons of Americans, say the following sentence...

"I don't like fish that's too fishy."

And every single time I think...WHAT!

That's like saying "I don't like hotdogs that are too hotdoggy" or "I don't like comedy that's too funny".

Bizarre. Anyway, go on with your day, chaps!