Saturday, August 10, 2013

Laura D In Santa Cruz

Yes, Santa Cruz, that place made famous by Master System's California Games:

Well, to some of us anyway!

I shall describe the day via PHOTO ESSAY.

That's right! PHOTO ESSAY! Let's get to it.

These are my feet and legs on a bus. (Other parts of me not pictured)

Obligatory scenery and window glare

Here's the part of the bus where you get your emergency salad

We're here! And at a bookshop no less!
Apologies to the man with the funky expression on his face.

For some reason there was a dead lady encased in glass.
I would have reported it to the police but there were too many hippies around
 and I didn't want to be called a NARK.

Much like this Chloe Abbot.
Though I have to say, I was only there 10 minutes before she
was telling everybody that I had sweets before dinnertime.
Stop telling on me Chloe Abbot!!

This is where we were. In fact, this was actually a live webcam,
that's my husband and I right next to Parking Control. That's us!



I have to tell the Lab Scientist about this book...

At a pizza place, I met up with my friend Terry.
He only has one foot and I shared my pizza with him.
His full name is Terrence Black but his friends call him Terry.


These are the contents of a toilet.


And on the way back home I saw where the Animaniacs live!

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